oxyGEN Disruptive Technology Demystifying Bitcoin and Blockchain

Virtual Event

Bitcoin? Ethereum? Dogecoin? If you’ve been following the news recently (or just Elon Musk), it’s likely you’ve come across some articles discussing these trending topics. Join us for a conversation on Cryptocurrency and Blockchain. We will demystify the fundamentals of these technologies and discuss its impact on the future of how people do business. Watch

oxyGEN Disrupt Tech: 5G Connectivity

Virtual Event

The Internet of Things, Autonomous Vehicles, and Augmented Reality. What do all of these exciting technologies have in common? They are all powered by 5G connectivity. In addition to bringing the fastest speeds to your smartphone, 5G is enabling the most exciting and cutting edge technology. Join us for a conversation on the benefits, drawbacks,

oxyGEN Disruptive Technology Series: The world of patents

Virtual Event

Have you ever stopped and thought about how AT&T stays at the head of the technology race? Patents are an instrumental part of AT&T's technology strategy and help AT&T stay ahead of the competition. Join us for an in depth conversation about the world of patents with our guide Jim Mavrikidis, AT&T Intellectual Property. Jim

oxyGEN Intro to Data Analytics with Pandas

Virtual Event

Join oxyGEN in our gentle and practical introduction of data analysis with Python and Pandas! This session will introduce concepts and exercises to get started with Pandas - a popular Python library for data manipulation and analysis - including how to read a spreadsheet into Pandas, manipulate and analyze data, and export data to a

LEAD Presents: Customer First Framework

Virtual Event

Serving customers first is one of AT&T's cultural pillars. Join us for a LEAD & oxyGEN exclusive event where we have our guest speakers, Guido Gennari (AVP of Customer Experience Strategy) and Brenda Salinas (Principal of Business Strategy) help us understand how all of us can change our problem solving approach with this customer first

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